Successful applicants of Creative Communities Scheme announced


Congratulations to all the successful applicants of the September round of the Thames-Coromandel Creative Communities Scheme (CCS). The scheme creates opportunities for local communities to engage with, and participate in local arts activities.


Jan Wright, Chair of Creative Coromandel commented: “Each CCS funding round places a wealth of creative projects in front of He Mana Toi Moehau Trustees and Committee for our consideration.  September’s round was particularly challenging as the fund was overwhelmingly oversubscribed. Needing to offer considerably less than requested, or worse, to turn down funding completely for so many was difficult. Discussion around the table was open and robust. We came to a consensus decision based on the project, the information and the money available.”


Jan explained the allocation process; “We look for quality information of the ‘who, how, what, when, why’ of each submission, including the budget detail.  We look at the number of people who will benefit including any audiences (both for performances and exhibitions) and we ask ourselves ‘is this project likely to reach a whole new audience or arts sector?’  And we allocate accordingly.”


The Thames-Coromandel Creative Communities Scheme, backed by Creative New Zealand, present two funding rounds per year; one in March and one in September.  He Mana Toi Moehau Trust (Creative Coromandel) who distribute the Creative Communities Scheme funds has expressed concern about the increasing divide between the funding allocated by CCS and the amount being applied for by an increasing number of applicants.


John Eaglen, He Mana Toi Moehau Deputy Chair and Trustee explained that CCS received applications totalling $61,000 for this funding round, but had only $12,000 to allocate.

The total funding pool allocated to The Coromandel through the CCS by Creative New Zealand is a concern to the Trust, as it limits the number of projects which can be empowered through receiving grant funding.  The Coromandel’s involvement in next year’s Tuia – 250 Encounters commemoration is likely to inspire even more community arts projects, which presents a fantastic opportunity for the arts sector. However, if there is a lack of resources available to help support these projects, it jeopardises their success or may even prevent them from happening, which would be disappointing not only for the arts community, but for the wider community as well.  


He Mana Toi Moehau Trust is currently investigating ways to increase or augment Thames Coromandel’s Creative Communities Scheme allocation.  Funding is distributed to regional communities from Creative New Zealand by a base figure, then a measure of per-capita of permanent population.  Creative Coromandel will be advocating for an increased funding allocation from CNZ based on the large percentage of the district’s absentee ratepayers who divide their time between The Coromandel and their other “home”, visitor numbers the arts bring to the region and the fact that The Coromandel is a Waikato cultural hotspot with a high concentration of artists and arts activities, irrespective of its permanent population.


The Trust has also reflected on ways to distribute the limited CCS funding allocation to allow more people and projects to experience its benefit. Offering mentoring and support to applications which cannot be funded, but are considered by the Trust to have special merit is an option currently being discussed for future funding rounds.    


CCS funding is awarded to projects rather than the people undertaking the project and applications need to meet one or more of the following criteria to be eligible:

– Young people – The project will enable and encourage young people (under 18 years) to engage with and actively participate in the arts.


– Diversity – The project will support the diverse arts and cultural traditions of local communities, enriching and promoting their uniqueness and cultural diversity.


– Broad community involvement – The project will create opportunities for local communities to engage with and participate in arts activities.


The next CCS Funding round will open in March 2019.


Learn more about CCS criteria and applications here.


The successful applicants for the September CCS funding round are:


Jennifer Hawkeswood

Heritage Art Festival 2019



Paula McNeill

Dr Carole Sheppard – Multi-Plate Printing



Emma Louise Mudgway and Kenzie Sampson

Grawhiti Fest (working title)



Te Moana Takiri Harrison

Tupapaku Whariki



The Coromandel Music Society Inc

Annual Outdoor Concert



Peter Sephton

Barry Brickell Play with Clay Day



Colville Social Services Collective

Colville Community Arts Festival



Matt Sephton

Coromandel Characters



Thames South School

Thames South School Mural



Driving Creek Railway Conservation Trust

“Wearing a personal story of Art, Engineering & Conservation” – Barry Brickell Exhibition



Nga Uri A Maata Ngapo Chariable Trust –

The Pou Ihu on The Mahau of the Marae



WTS (Watch This Space) Coromandel

Open Studio Arts Tour – Artist Guide, Website and promotion



Pastel Artists Coromandel

Jacquie Ellis Workshop

$ 250.00


Thames Music and Drama Incorporated

Youth Drama Workshops

$  1,500.00


Article Published 6th November 2018

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