Creative Communities Scheme
Funding for local arts projects
Te tono pūtea mō ngā manahau a te iwi kainga
Local art groups and creative projects across the Coromandel Peninsula are being offered a helping hand with funding from the Creative Communities Scheme (CCS).
What is the Creative Communities Scheme?
CCS offers funding for creative projects within the Thames Coromandel District. The scheme, funded by Creative New Zealand, aims to increase participation in the arts, broaden the range and diversity of the arts available to communities and enhance and strengthen the local arts sector.
Creative Coromandel have been tasked to assess the local Creative Coromandel applications and distribute the funds, which are then awarded and administered by Thames Coromandel District Council (TCDC).
Who can apply?
Individuals or groups can apply for CCS funding. Individuals must be New Zealand citizens or permanent residents.
Funding is awarded to projects, rather than people, undertaking the project.
Can I get funding for my arts project?
Your project must meet one or more of the following criteria:
- Access and participation – Create opportunities for local communities to engage with, and participate in local arts activities.
- Diversity – Support the diverse arts and cultural traditions of local communities, enriching and promoting their uniqueness and cultural diversity.
- Young people – Enable and encourage young people (under 18 years) to engage with and actively participate in the arts.
When do I apply?
The next funding round is for projects and activities that will take place from 1 May 2024 – 1st May 2025.
The Committee assess the applications to consider these applications and applicants are generally advised of the outcome within two to three days.
Projects/activities must be completed within 18 months of being advised of a successful application.
How do I apply?
Find further information on Thames Coromandel Creative Communities Scheme applications and criteria via the TCDC website.
Subscribe to the Creative Coromandel e-newsletter for updates.
Where does the funding come from?
Creative New Zealand is funded by the New Zealand Government through the New Zealand Lottery Grants Board and Ministry for Culture & Heritage. Each year Creative New Zealand provides funding to city and district councils across Aotearoa New Zealand for distribution in their respective area.
The funding applications are made directly to local councils, in our case that’s TCDC.
Who assesses your application?
Creative Coromandel assesses CCS applications and allocates the funding for successful applications. Creative Coromandel is made up of arts passionate, community-minded representatives from every ward on the Coromandel Peninsula, meaning your application is assessed by the people who know our local communities and arts sector.
Where can I get tips for my application?
See the Creative New Zealand – Creative Communities Scheme Application Guide 2020/21
Funding for local arts
Te tono pūtea mō ngā manahau a te iwi kainga
Who has received previous CCS funding?
The average grant is $2000 per project.
See the list of previous successful Thames Coromandel Creative Communities Scheme applications.
Communities Scheme: Successful Applicants August 2023
Communities Scheme: Successful Applicants March 2023
Creative Communities Scheme September 2022
Creative Communities Scheme: September 2021