

We have our finger on the arts pulse of the Coromandel Peninsula and Hauraki rohe.
Learn all about the local creative community through our news and interviews.



Mercury Bay Art Escape Open Studios 2024

Mercury Bay Art Escape Open Studios 2024

Launching Mercury Bay Art Escape Open Studios 2024 is the ever-popular Gala event on Friday 1 March at 6pm at Hot Waves Café, Hot Water Beach. Guest speaker ‘Flox’ is an internationally renowned stencil and mural artist. Her trademark is native birds, ferns and...

Clear as Mud

Clear as Mud

POTTERS FROM ACROSS THE NORTH ISLAND SHOWCASE THEIR WORK IN WAIHI OVER LABOUR WEEKEND An exciting showcase for the art of pottery will again come to Waihi over Labour Weekend, featuring more than 130 pieces by artists from across the North Island. “Clear As...

Annual ARTwaikino exhibition

Annual ARTwaikino exhibition

Labour weekend, Saturday 21 - Sunday 22 October, 10am - 4pm, Monday 23 October, 10am - 12 noon Waikino Victoria Hall, near the Waikino Tavern on SH2 Launch and prize-giving Friday 20 October, 5.30 - 7.30pm ARTwaikino is an exhibition in its 23rd year, started by the...

Te Whanganui o Hei | Mercury Bay arts facility feasibility study

Te Whanganui o Hei | Mercury Bay arts facility feasibility study

After a series of very successful public hui on the eastern seaboard and Christine Ennis who is conducting the feasibility study meeting with a number of Arts groups, Community Board and other local organisations to gain feedback, we are now inviting those in Mercury...

Chorus Cabinet Art Programme

Chorus Cabinet Art Programme

Chorus has worked with our Council to bring an opportunity for local artists to showcase their talents with the Cabinet Art Programme.  Ten cabinets have been chosen for beautification across the Coromandel, with two in each Community Board area and artists are...

The Process

The Process

Opening this coming Friday night, the annual exhibition of new and experimental work created during the winter. WTS (watch this space) Coromandel "Shared Studios" artist creativity programme. Gala opening 5.30 - 7.00 pm Friday 15 September.  Then open daily 10am - 4pm...

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